There are currently 303 subscribers
including 254 Storm fans and 9 Sheffield fans!
Storm Blitz is a free e-mail news service that you can register for by filling in the form linked from this page. The messages will be sent out to you throughout the season and you can stop receiving them at any time. A number of Storm Blitz issues have already been sent out. You can download back issues from here - if you click on the link it will load up the text file which will be badly formatted. For best results, download the file to your hard disk and open it with notepad (ie. choose SAVE LINK AS... from the right click menu). You can download each back issue seperately or you can download them in batches of 10 - they are stored in .zip files. Alternatively you can download all previous issues in one .zip fle:
The e-mail addresses received from this page WILL NOT be used for any other purpose than to send you Storm News. They WILL NOT be sold or received in any other way by a third party. Your anonymity is kept from other recipients of Storm Blitz, as all subscribers are sent the mail with BCC (Blind Carbon Copy). However, given the precautions taken, INTO THE STORM can take no responsibility for any mis-use of e-mail by the recipients of the News Bulletins and by registering, you are agreeing to this.
Please let me know if you have any ideas for STORM BLITZ or any questions regarding registering. The form is now CGI-based and NOT mailto and so should now work on all browsers! If it doesn't seem to work, send an e-mail to Into The Storm (Storm Blitz Registration) giving your name, e-mail address that you wish to receive the mail to, team supported and any other comments.
INTO THE STORM can take no responsibility for any inaccuracy that may occur in Storm Blitz and any inconvenience it may cause. By registering, you are agreeing to this.
These pages are maintained by Simon Sandiford-Mitchell and hosted by U-Net.