Your name: Mel and the Muppet!!!!! How you found us: Other ice hockey Web pages (let me know below) From: Guildford, Chelmsford and Germany. Time: 31 January 1997 17:45 Comments: John Finnie - We're not worthy, we're not worthy, we're not worthy etc...from the Muppet, and Chelmsford, remember us? Bye bye, nice page :-) I'll be back Melanie. |
Your name: Yvonne Bradley How you found us: GeoCities From: Manchester Time: 31 January 1997 07:37 Comments: Message to all of Storm! Well done lads, things are looking up. Congratulations on many things from Wednesday's game.... 3rd home game win, Finally thrasing Newcastle, David Latta's first goal for Storm, Brad Zavisha's (brillant) goal..1000th goal in Superleague and most of all 2 points up the table. Good luck with Sheffield tonight. love Yvonne |
Your name: Linda & Alison How you found us: I've been here before! From: Manchester (& 1 ex-pat Scot!) Time: 30 January 1997 05:53 Comments: Great to see Storm on better form last night against Newcastle Cobras. A fabulous game and a well deserved 5:3 win .A few more performances like that and our team will be off the foot of the table for good! We'll be there to support you, boys, at Sheffield tomorrow and against Cardiff on Sunday. Good luck. |
Your name: THUNDERFLASH FANZINE Your Web site: Thunderflash How you found us: ThunderFlash Time: 29 January 1997 08:20 Comments: Get your printed version now .... available POST FREE to ITS readers. Send a one pound coin and your address to- Thunderflash 7 Daisyfields Preston PR4 0AD *** SIMON gave it 42 out of 50 in his review .... so he liked it *** Buy now ... only 1342 copies left |
Your name: Block 106 (House Of Steel) How you found us: Choose from this list From: Sheffield Time: 29 January 1997 08:08 Comments: BRAD RUBACHUCK! Re: Steelers V Storm. Despite all the agro from us in block 106 you still managed to score - well done chief. Great to see you do have a good sense of humour too - thanks for giving us a wave! You are a true sport! Watch out Brebant's behind you!! See you on Friday buddy. |
Your name: Judy Sicora How you found us: I've been here before! From: Venus Time: 28 January 1997 18:56 Comments: Excellent new pictures by Roger Cook! And to think I helped foster his career. :-) |
Your name: David Morley How you found us: Yahoo From: Stockport Time: 27 January 1997 14:30 Comments: For many reasons I have only just caught up with this item of 'news', however I feel strongly enough to chip in with my opinions. What is Mick Thompsons' problem? Who has an ego problem here? I think he should remember that John Lawless is GM and Coach of Manchester Storm and does have the final word in every aspect of Storm. Mick Thompson is a volunteer(?) representative of a glorified fan club, whose sense of reality is somewhat absurd. Hindsight proves that the cut copy was a wise decision. The Steelers have beaten Storm in every game. Taking digs from opponents is sadly too prevelant these days, but no excuse for the pathetic and childish comments made by Mick Thompson. So the Stormforce pay for some flights to Canada for some of the players and it would seem John Lawless. Whose money is it anyway? Does this give them the right to basically blackmail Lawless by threatening to cancel his ticket if he doesn't attend their committee meeting? Their arrogance is extraordinary. I cannot comment on Lawless' language except to say that I too would be *@!€^* furious if I was held to ransom like that by a quango committee. Good riddance Mr Thompson. Remember "Ice Hockey is meant to be fun", the Storm don't need people like you. Slagging off Lawless won't help you write better copy, mend your wounded pride 'cos someone dared question the nonsense you call 'editorial', make him a better or worse coach or help the team win more games. Hope you have handed back your nice little badge. Long live King John |
Your name: John H Thurm Your Web site: Stormpics How you found us: I've been here before! From: Manchester Time: 26 January 1997 06:01 Comments: This is not a comment about the pages but a public comment on the behaviour of some of the Storm travelling support (if that is the correct word to use). I missed the game at Newcastle but it seems to have followed the usual pattern of slagging off the team with some far from pleasant language. Having tried to stop them from doing this with no success please whenever you hear them doing it - home or away - report all bad language to a steward. If they get thrown out a few times they may give up and not bother going again. They may pay their money but it does not give them the right to undermine the confidence of the team. I hope Stormforce get to see this. I bet they cut it though! |
Your name: Michael Fitch How you found us: I've been here before! From: MANCHESTER!!!! Time: 25 January 1997 11:36 Comments: Hi! Just here to say a big hi there and hello to all STORM players and fans. Lets get a 10 game winning streak going. I know it is hard but if the players and fans pull together we can become the best team in the league. We played a great game against the Steelers but letting a 2-0 lead turn into a 5-3 defeat needs some work defensively don't you think. I may sound like I hate the STORM but I AM THERE BIGGEST FAN!! Honest! Remember last seasons chant: WE ARE NUMBER ONE SAY WE ARE NUMBER ONE! Lets make it become true again. Good luck for tonights and sundays game. Se Ya! Mike |
Your name: Thunderflash Fanzine Your Web site: Thunderflash How you found us: The Storm mailing list Time: 25 January 1997 05:10 Comments: GET THE PRINTED "WELL HARD" THUNDERFLASH The printed version is out now SPECIAL OFFER TO ON LINE READERS Thunderflash is ONE POUND POST FREE Send a one pound coin to:- Thunderflash, 7 Daisyfields Preston PR4 OAD (with your name and address of course or we'll keep the dosh!) |
Your name: Tim Silman How you found us: Other ice hockey Web pages From: Hale Barns near Manchester Time: 25 January 1997 04:43 Comments: Keep your heads up! Great victory at the Bees. You can ease into the top half of the table. How can I get a Storm top? I think you're the greatest team with the greatest stadium. The atmosphere at the "Storm Shelter" is just brilliant. I went to the game against Ayr on the 5th of Jan, really exciting stuff. I hope to visit the Storm shelter again soon. Your No 1 fan Tim |
Your name: Stephen Holden How you found us: Storm match programme From: Manchester originally - Now study in Calgary!! Time: 24 January 1997 18:33 Comments: Hello to Julie and Phil back in Manchester!!! |
Your name: Les Hewitt How you found us: Storm match programme From: Warrington, Cheshire Time: 24 January 1997 08:11 Comments: First of all, my moan! I'm a new supporter of Storm. I got hooked on hockey on a visit to the USA. I booked my first tickets using plastic card by phone and thought the booking charge of £1.25 was more than a bit steep! The 20p extra for using plastic in person at the box-office is better but is still too much - you don't pay it for petrol do you? Until this is taken off, I'll continue to pay on the night in the queues...Good stuff!... I've had great fun coming to Storm games; at least as much as watching Philadelphia Flyers in the NHL. With our support, I'm sure the guys will do better next season. Cheers, Les |
Your name: Simon Sandiford-Mitchell Your Web site: Inter The Storm How you found us: I've been here before! From: Manchester Time: 23 January 1997 04:27 Comments: Problems so far.... Ogdens have been on the phone to me demanding to know who I'm working for and what I'll be doing. Talk about paranoid. They said it was against copyright to record sound and to take photos and that was why photos were banned. I explained that they have banned only flash photography not actual photography and he sort of said "ooops yes you're right". He (the events manager) said that he would contact the legal department (whatever that is) and I should call him back at 1.00pm. It's looking less than likely at the moment. If they say I can't record, I'll take the tape out of the recorder and then they'll look stupid when they throw me out even though I've not recorded anything. I'll post the result of the conversation here at approx 1.20. I wish I'd have kept my mouth shut now. |
Your name: Alex the Rabid Bee Your Web site: Click here for YYY-rated Fun!!!!!!!! How you found us: Beewitched From: Bracknell, Bracknell, Bracknell, etc. Time: 23 January 1997 03:58 Comments: Right, I just decided to get a ticket on the way in. I'm in Block 113, errm Row L I think. Too many numbers and letters on this damn thing! You don't get this problem at Bracknell, there are only four rows to pick from. I don't know....... Anyway, I'll be there early tonight so I can chat with my mates (haven't seen them since Chrimbo, etc.) but I'll try and find this Stormforce place by 7:10 like you said. Cheers, Alex the Rabid Bee |
Your name: Alex the Rabid Bee Your Web site: Beewitched - The Home of Bee Fundamentalism How you found us: Beewitched From: Bracknell Time: 22 January 1997 17:54 Comments: Mr S&M - you're a bit hard to get hold of. If we meet up under Block 111 then we'll have to buy our tickets seperately, which means seats apart, etc. What to do? I know the away end won't be full, but even so...... Stick a reply on here before 3:00pm, so I can check it before I leave Uni tomorrow. Hope you sort it out with Ogdens. Cheers, Alex the Rabid Bee |
Your name: dan kaemena How you found us: Yahoo From: Manchester - supporter Time: 22 January 1997 01:17 Comments: My name is Dan and I come to watch the Storm on Sundays when I can. My favourite palyers are Jeff Lindsay, Dale Jago, Chad Penny, John Finnie and Hilton Ruggles. Storm are the best! Thanks Dan. |
Your name: Alex the Rabid Bee Your Web site: Beewtiched - The Home of Bee Fundamentalism How you found us: Beewitched From: Bracknell Time: 21 January 1997 14:28 Comments: Karen - I don't think it matters where we sit because I'll be making as much noise as I can for Bracknell, commentary or not! Perhaps we should record some chants, Mr S&M, then if there isn't much exciting plays you can stick that on instead (just so you lot know what REAL fans sound like! Oh gosh, that should get a response!). Cheers, and may the best team win, Alex the Rabid Bee |
Your name: Karen How you found us: Bracknell Bees page From: Bracknell Time: 21 January 1997 13:38 Comments: Dear Mr S&M It is an interesting idea to attempt to do some commentary on the Bees vs Storm match. However, I wouldn't sit too close to the Bees fans if you want to be heard as we intend to be VERY, VERY LOUD. And once we get going there's no stopping us! See you on Thursday and lets's hope it's as exiting a game as our last visit to the Nynex! Karen. |
Your name: STORMY How you found us: Beewitched From: MANCHESTAAAAAAAAAAA Time: 21 January 1997 08:17 Comments: Well i am off to Sheffield soon, why i don't know, but as we all know STORM need all the support they can get - Did anyone hear Key 103, John Lawless said he expected a similar result from when we played the DEVILS!!!! That must have boosted the players - NOT!!!! Plus (something to wind Alex up with) did anyone hear also on Key 103, that on Thursday we would be playing The Basingstoke Beeeeees, Alex was very disgusted by this - Hahahahahahhahahaahahahahhahah. That is the game i have been most looking forward to!!!!! So STORM lets see what you can do against the Squeelers tonight!! LETS GO STORM, LETS GO!!!! - I WISH STORMY |
Your name: Yvonne Zavisha and Jo Turner (we live in hope) How you found us: GeoCities From: The NYNEX car park Time: 21 January 1997 05:50 Comments: Message to Raymond We know you're the better goalie for tonight's game (Steelers) so keep pestering Lawless for more ice time! If you are chosen, make this you're best game because we need this win for the fans and the team. We know you always play your best so keep up the good work. Good luck for all the team, lots of love Jo and Yvonne.xx |
Your name: Alex the Rabid Bee Your Web site: Beewitched - The Home of Bee Fundamentalism How you found us: Beewitched From: Bracknell Time: 20 January 1997 23:15 Comments: Urrgghh, I'm knackered. I haven't been to sleep all night, struggling to meet essay deadlines, etc. Just thought I'd bring you up to date Simon. Firstly, the Steelers guestbook has been back for about a week now. Secondly the full name of my page is "Beewitched - The Home of Bee Fundamentalism". A little thing I know, but it sounds better than "a Bee fanzine". :-))))) Cheers, Alex the Rabid Bee. PS Gibber, gibber. |
Your name: Mr S&M Your Web site: INTER THE STORM How you found us: I've been here before! From: Manchester Time: 20 January 1997 05:16 Comments: It's true - me and Mr Rabid Bee will be doing match commentary (if everything goes according to plan) on the game against Bracknell on Thursday evening. We'll be sat near the Bracknell fans - exactly where I'm not sure yet. The equipment is very crude and so we'll have to shout to make ourselves heard into the microphone. I'll be doing the Storm attacks and Mr Bee will be doing the Bracknell attacks. I'll be picking about 10 ten second clips of the recording and putting them on Inter The Storm for everyone to listen to. That should be on by next weekend. This cannot be a regular thing as I will use up almost the rest of my disk space on GeoCities when I post the clips! Come and say hello on Thursday if you spot us commentating - and don't ask which radio station we're from or if it's a live broadcast!! Simon S-M |
Your name: Alex the Rabid Bee Your Web site: Beewtiched - The Home of Bee Fundamentalism How you found us: Choose from this list From: Bracknell Time: 19 January 1997 13:11 Comments: Yeah, Mr Icelords fan, look at the attendences. 5,800 for Cardiff. Thats just over a quarter of the capacity for a game against a top team. Speaks for itself, doesn't it? I hear we have won tonight so, if this is right, say we are number 7, say we are number 7, etc. Can't wait till Thursday. Mr S&M and I are going to be doing some commentary on the match, hope it works! Cheers, Alex the Rabid Bee. |
Your name: MISCONDUCT! How you found us: Storm match programme From: Prestwich Time: 19 January 1997 10:43 Comments: Dear Mr.Icelord fan, We would like to point out to you that Storm fans do get to meet the players after a match in the Arches!! (there are also plenty of opportunities to meet the players at the Stormforce events arranged for them) We think you should get your facts straight before you go showing yourself up! As for the trueness of the fans...check out our attendance records (they speak for themselves) Thankyou Kindly MISCONDUCT! P.S. It sounds like sour grapes to us! |
Your name: Icelords fan How you found us: The Storm mailing list From: Swindon Time: 19 January 1997 08:53 Comments: I'd just like to say that Manchester can't really be all that wonderful since being promoted if they are propping up the Superleague, what's gone wrong? Sure you've got a brilliant arena etc, but are your fans are really TRUE? Now, come to a friendly place like Swindon and the atmosphere is a whole lot better. Do you meet the players after a game, ever have a chance to speak to them beforehand or see them in the bar? No, I really didn't think so either. Come and watch the Icelords one day and experience the atmosphere. Try it, you might like it. If not, then you've lost nothing. |
Your name: Richard Chatburn Your Web site: don't have one ! How you found us: Storm match programme From: Stockport Time: 19 January 1997 07:21 Comments: Been a member of Lawless`s Blue and White Army since the first game - not too down at the moment, we all know the guys can do it - waiting for the glory days to come back again - soon ! |
Your name: Yvonne Bradley How you found us: GeoCities From: Manchester Time: 18 January 1997 09:36 Comments: Message to Manchester Storm players! Although the winning streak ended sooner than we would have liked, what we have to do now is put this is in the past (that's all we can do with it) and concentrate on winning the next few games. 11-3..... Well we learn from our mistakes! Let's get back in the fighting mode and show everyone just how good we can play. Chins up lads, ignore the comments and concentrate on the game and the future. Hopefully Ayr will do us a favour and win both their next two matches and let us pick up from there. Just to finish off, I'd like to comment on the goals we pulled back, espically Brad Zavisha's cracking shot. (Well Zavy I didn't get to congratulate you at the Arches...But I was there. Hopefully I'II catch you next time!). Keep up the fighting spirit, always (No matter what). With you always, your No. 1 fan Yvonne. xxxx |
Your name: Emma Humphreys How you found us: Choose from this list From: Wirral Time: 18 January 1997 06:35 Comments: Eric Raymond you are the best goalkeeper on the face of the Earth (and the cutest too) keep saving those goals |
Your name: STORMY How you found us: Beewitched From: MANCHESTAAAAA Time: 18 January 1997 06:14 Comments: OOOhhhhh that was a little bit bitchy, How can anyone say that the Squeelers - uppps sorry the Steelers have the fans!!! That would not be because they are winning a few games would it???? As everyone knows Manchester are struggling slightly - o.k a lot, but when we are getting crowds of 10,000 plus each home game, I would say that Manchester still have the support from the fans!!! As for the better team - Yes - the squeelers - Uppps there i go again - The Steelers are putting up some good performances, but the DEVILS are preforming even better!!! My prediction for the winners of the super league are.... 1. Manchester STORM (Well I can dream) 2. Cardiff Devils 3. Sheffield Squeelers (Steelers) 4. Not forgetting Alex's pride and joy - I will allow Wacknuw Beeeeees fourth!!! Simon have you dissapeared - We do not get your comments any more!! Where are you!!!????? Thanx STORMY. |
Your name: Ian Toft How you found us: Sheffield Steelers page From: DONCASTER!!!!! Time: 18 January 1997 02:54 Comments: Storm have better M.C., Stadium and Web Page, STEELERS have better Fans and most importantly TEAM! |
Your name: Julie and Judith How you found us: Storm match programme From: Manchester Time: 17 January 1997 16:43 Comments: Abismal performance by Storm on Thursday! What the puck are they playing at!! |
Your name: joe, dee, jay and guy boryczko How you found us: Storm match programme From: manchester Time: 17 January 1997 13:27 Comments: I wonder if the players and John Lawless have watched the storm video of last seasons games and remembered how to play. Especially after their performance with Cardiff Devils on 16/01/97. |
Your name: stormy How you found us: Beewitched From: MANCHESTAAA Time: 17 January 1997 12:35 Comments: Well is everyone as depressed as i am????? I can not believe the score - And guess who i was sat next to in the 3rd period - The one and only MR Alex The Rabid Beeeee, it was torture (joke Alex) he loved the score!!! What on earth is happening?? I was hit by the puck in Practice - The good part about that was i was taken down stairs to the medical roon, near the STORMS changing roon - But it was just my luck - I SAW NOTHING!!!! Will we ever live 11-3 down? No i don't think so!!! Thanx STORMY. |
Your name: Andrew Ashton How you found us: Storm match programme From: Preston, Lancashire Time: 17 January 1997 04:57 Comments: Lets Go STORMING up that table! |
Your name: Simon Sandiford-Mitchell Your Web site: INTER THE STORM How you found us: I've been here before! From: Manchester Time: 17 January 1997 04:36 Comments: How embarrasing it was last night. Sorry for the lack of updates to the pages recently and the fact that the new Updated and New icons on the front page are a bit out of position, but I spent ages doing it and so haven't logged on since Monday. There will be a big update over the weekend with the launch of the Storm Action Photos page and lots of other enhancements. The Storm Blitz mailing list will be sent out on Friday night, hopefuly with everything you need to know - all the rumours and gossip as well as the match reports etc. Just as a preview - there is DEFINITELY a brand new nothing like the old one Kit relaunch and the possibility of renaming Manchester Storm by dropping Manchester. Can you believe that! Hopefully it won't go through. The pages have been down recently - please bear with us if you don't get through to the pages - try again later and we'll be back. Also the Guestbook has been down periodically recently - again, try again later if you can't get through at the time. The most annoying is the new Web Page statistics that I put online a week ago have been missing lots of visitors for some reason. It said 188 visitors on Wednesday and on Friday it says 190, despite the fact that the counter has gone up by about 150!! Anyway, did you notice the nice "adverts" I keep getting for Inter The Storm in the match programme - it was nice of Stormforce to have most of the editiorial given over the Inter The Storm and Storm Blitz. By the way, Storm Blitz is on the lookout for sponsorship - if you know of any interested parties, please get them to e-mail me on You can have up to 10 lines in Storm Blitz for your Marketing message and a link to your web page if you so desire. I am looking to recoup some of the enormous expense that running Inter The Storm and Storm Blitz incurs and Ogden's aren't interested. I am not looking to make a profit, I simply want to ensure that I do not lose money out of it, otherwise I won't be motivated to provide the best news and information service for Manchester Storm fans. Well, it will become the best anyway I'll make sure of that!! Simon S-M Inter The Storm |
Your name: Dave Murray Your Web site: Devil Heaven How you found us: You told me to visit, Simon! From: Cardiff Time: 17 January 1997 01:43 Comments: After hearing so much about the new, improved Storm, I sat down to watch the game on Sky. Devils 4-0 up the end of the 1st, 6-1 by the end of the 2nd, 11-3 final score? The Storm were good in spells, good short handed goal and good play on the Ruggles effort, but no doubt you were thrashed. Not many folks at the Nynex, not surprising when you get a Sky game. |
Your name: Joel Lavesson Your Web site: Joel Lavesson's Homepage How you found us: StormWEB From: Sweden Time: 16 January 1997 23:57 Comments: I like your page it is very nice, I am writing about Manchester Storm so I thought I should sign this book. Your homepage is very good, much better than mine. |
Your name: Alex the Rabid Bee Your Web site: Beewitched - The Home of Laughing SO Hard Your Sides Split How you found us: Beewitched From: Wacknell (Well, that's how it's pronounced!) Time: 16 January 1997 17:25 Comments: Oooh dear. Can you play like that next week? Me thinks we won't be bottom for very long. What happened tonight? Had all the players been under the Arches before the game? Where was everybody? 5,800+ is terrible, particularly when one of them is a Bees fan (who was rather annoyingly constantly being told to stop applauding the Devils by Stormy. No sense of fair play, that girl!). Oh well, no doubt you'll absolutely thrash us now, but that's Bracknell for you. Keep up the good work. Cheers, Alex the Rabid Bee |
Your name: Steve Polkinghorne Your Web site: The Homepage of Steve Polkinghorne How you found us: Storm match programme From: Heaton Park Time: 16 January 1997 16:38 Comments: 11 - 3 ?????? I want a refund on my (recently purchased) away top. Not only that but I drove nearly 500 miles to see the boys LOSE last night at Ayr. This should NOT be happening. Shape up Storm. (PS. Nice pages. Keep up the good work). |
Your name: Alex the Rabid Bee Your Web site: Beewitched - The Home of Beeing Bottom :-( How you found us: Beewitched From: Well, one night my mummy and daddy got incredibly drunk, and then they began to ........ Time: 14 January 1997 11:56 Comments: I'm Back!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello everybody, sorry to have been away so long, I had some unfinished business at the Manchester Royal to attend to. I see you lot have sneaked above us in my absence. Well, it's just not on, so you can jolly well sneak back down again. Not that you'll need much help, judging on previous form :-). Nice to see you beat the Moo-moos, thank you. Nice to see Beewitched is second on the stats list. Hurrah, somebody must go there! Incidently, I'm running a guess Stormy's name competition at Beewitched (Gratuitous Advertising Alert) which can be reached through the ITS links, and the funniest suggestion wins a pint. Well worth it :-). Cheers, Alex the Rabid Bee |
Your name: Jo Turner and Yvonne Zavisha (We can dream!) How you found us: Choose from this list From: The Arches Time: 14 January 1997 07:03 Comments: What a great match on Sunday and we all know it was 5-1! What do you think of the new signings Brad Turner and Dave Latta? We love all 3 Brads especially Brad Turner! Let's keep up this winning streak tomorrow, thinking of you always lads loads of love Jo and Yvonne. |
Your name: Joanna and Yvonne B Your Web site: Haven't made one yet How you found us: GeoCities From: Manchester, South and North Time: 14 January 1997 05:50 Comments: Superb, especially Lightning Jack! |
Your name: joanne blakeley How you found us: StormWEB From: manchester Time: 14 January 1997 05:03 Comments: Hi to all storm fans out there from the rubber duck fan club (those who have the fluffy duck at the games). Hope we can win a few more games in the vain hope thet Dale Jago may smile. |
Your name: STORMY How you found us: Beewitched From: MANCHESTAAAA Time: 14 January 1997 04:17 Comments: YIIIIPPPPEEEEEE, We WON the BISON, great game!!!!!! I am not going to say what everyone has been saying, because last time I said it we lost!!!! Cardiff on THURSDAY - Hope everyone is going!!! Ayr On Wednesday, lets hope we are not too tired for the Devils!!! Lets keep up those WINS lads!!!! It's a relief looking at the table, and seeing that we are moving up, What does anyone else think!!? Is there anyone else out there!!!!?????? See you all at the game on Thursday!!! STORMY |
Name: Heather Lee Referred by: Storm Info From: Sunny 'ole Manchester (of course) Time: 13 January 1997 11:23 Comments: I don't know if this will work as I tried to get through before but it failed. Anyway, good win over the Bisons (even though I missed it) Jeff (Sebby) my friend Joanne loves your new haircut and who on earth was the player in the Arches Last Sunday with the glasses on? Good luck for Thursday guys. |
Your name: MISCONDUCT! How you found us: Storm match programme From: Prestwich Time: 11 January 1997 12:16 Comments: THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE! TRUST NO 1! |
Your name: Mark Wangensteen How you found us: GeoCities From: dale jago Time: 11 January 1997 01:26 Comments: Dale Jago and I have been roommates in collges and friends for abour 10 years. Hope things are going well for Dale in the UK. Take Care, Mark Wangensteen |
Name: MISCONDUCT! Referred by: Storm match programme From: Prestwich Time: 10 January 1997 13:15 Comments: Just thought we'd say hello...HELLO! Thankyou kindly MISCONDUCT! |
Name: STORMY Referred by: Beewitched From: MANCHESTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Time: 10 January 1997 10:59 Comments: Hello every one (again), I am back - What is that I can hear - OH NO - Well what a great VICTORY - HURRRAYYYYYYYYYY - over the Eagles - What a fantastic game!!!! Shame about Mike Morin's face, he looked fairly battered!!! Well we play Basingstoke on Sunday, Ayr beat them, so there is no reason, on this earth, planet and solar system, why we can't beat them!!! COME ON YOU STORM!!!!!!!!!!! SEE YOU ALL ON SUNDAY STORMY |
Name: Wayne Website: Wazat Web Wide Referred by: I have no idea how I got here! From: Newcastle, South Africa Time: 10 January 1997 10:41 Comments: I came I saw I signed. Your turn now at ![]() |
Your name: Mark Goulding Your Web site: Lets go storm! Lets go! How you found us: Storm match programme From: MANCHESTER Time: 10 January 1997 05:16 Comments: HELLO AND THANKS. From the top of 117. |
Your name: Mr. Terry Lemieux Your Web site: The edge How you found us: Storm Info From: Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, Canada Time: 9 January 1997 19:37 Comments: Watched Team Great Britain U-16 here over weekend @ Steel City Hockey Tournament. They won their division championship. Good hockey, a pleasure to watch, they did the Isles proud, both on and off the ice. Congrats! |
Your name: Craig McPhail How you found us: A friend told me about the pages From: Canada Time: 9 January 1997 08:55 Comments: Brad Turner is not just another Brad as you will see. He is a former New York Islander product who will add a new demension to the team. |
Your name: Craig McPhail / Ken Tangen Your Web site: Norman James Sports Posters and photographs How you found us: A friend told me about the pages From: Oakville, Ontario, Canada Time: 9 January 1997 08:48 Comments: Keep us updated on Brad "T-Bird" Turner and Craig "Woody" Woodcroft |
Your name: Annalisa, Steph, Elizabeth and Joanne Your Web site: Can you weather the STORM??????? How you found us: GeoCities From: MANCHESTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time: 9 January 1997 06:02 Comments: Well, it certainly was a nail biting finish at Ayr! One thing the Superleague definately achieves is tension! And as for Mike Morin's nose, a leaky tap was the image that sprang to our minds! In terms of penalty points, does Brad Rubachuck think they equal air miles!! He collects them as if he's planning a flight to Australia! Compliments to Stephen and Jeff we like your haircuts! Isn't it about time Nick Poole joined you for a trip to the barbers, no wonder he keeps falling over on the ice! Kick some butt boys on the ice on Sunday, show Basingstoke how real men play ice hockey!!!!!!!!!!! |
Your name: Christine Betts How you found us: From: Huntington Beach, CA Surf City, USA!! Time: 8 January 1997 18:12 Comments: Great Site, Simon! |
Your name: Herb Murphy How you found us: A friend told me about the pages From: London, Canada Time: 7 January 1997 20:57 Comments: I was talking to my daughter, Ellen Calder (Eric's wife), on Christmas Day and she told me about the page. I'm a novice on computers so it took me a while to work my way through. So far it looks very interesting and well done. |
Your name: Neil & Julie Forrester How you found us: Storm match programme From: Bury Time: 7 January 1997 14:10 Comments: Block 109 Seats A8-A11 |
Your name: The Inside Information Gatherer How you found us: Canadian Storm Web page From: Inside The NYNEX!!! Time: 6 January 1997 11:20 Comments: Rumours 'round here are that Dale "ShotGun" Jago IS leaving for the German Elite league. Also, Ruggles and Byram are on there way out in the summer, rumours are that Ruggles is off to Guilford and Byram off to Italy. Need more gossip? See us on the Misconduct! pages.... |
Your name: Louise Hodgson How you found us: Storm match programme From: Sale Time: 5 January 1997 14:29 Comments: I've just come from from the match against Ayr Scottish Eagles-WE WON!!!! 2-1 (my brother got hit by the puck, and then I ate in Harry Ramsdens where Brad Rubachuk was eating his after game meal) |
Your name: debbie pye and lyndsay beresford (brad zavisha's #1 fans) How you found us: Storm match programme From: manchester Time: 5 January 1997 05:52 Comments: Brad you are such a pleasure to watch, you are a really good asset to the team and I don't know what we would do without you. You are always so nice to us whenever we meet you at the Storm meetings and in the car park etc. We wish you all the best of luck for the new year of '97 at Manchester Storm. Happy 25th Birthday |
Your name: storm fan How you found us: Storm match programme From: manchester Time: 5 January 1997 05:40 Comments: Well you're gonna have to do better lads. No matter how many games you lose we'll still think your the best, but I think it's time for Ruggles to go and retire he's just not up to the mark, he just can't hack it with the big boys. Best of luck for 97 |
Your name: Robert Townsend Your Web site: Peerless Movies How you found us: I've been here before! From: Not telling (it's a silly question) Time: 5 January 1997 05:31 Comments: Simon, I've got to admit, your Inter The Storm pages look very good at the moment. Shame about the Sports Home Page, though. Why don't you close that bit down, I can't imagine anyone looks at it. Anyway, try my new Web site, Peerless Movies, at Bye for now, Robert. |
Your name: Alex the Rabid Bee Your Web site: Beewitched - The Home of Bison Hunting How you found us: Beewitched From: My mummy's tummy Time: 4 January 1997 14:21 Comments: Hello again. Back in Manc now, with a proper computer, hurrah! So what's been happening recently? Say, we're not bottom any more! Golly gosh, isn't that surprising? Nice to see Stormy back with us. Shiver me timbers, she even had a pop at me! I don't know, the young scallywag! Well, well, Bracknell beat the B%$@* (sorry, I'm trying to follow Mr S&M's policy of no offensive language, so I can't actually name them). So now we're THREE points clear. Larks! Well, by jingo, I can't stand nattering all day. Cheers, Alex the Rabid Bee PS Mr S&M - you got the prediction wrong AGAIN! First you say 7-4 to Storm then 7-3 to the Bison? Oh well, you got a point from the Junker's goal! PPS Thanks for plugging the Beewitched guestbook. Every little helps. As Mr S&M says, anyone can drop by and say hi, although you'll have to try you're luck (ruddy Lpages!). |
Your name: STORMY How you found us: Beewitched From: MANCHESTAAAAAA Time: 4 January 1997 06:15 Comments: Hi fellow STORMYS, well we play those "Pussy Cats" again tonight, lets hope we put up a good fight, and that our new signings will be playing !! Whats this our very own "shot gun" Dale Jago, is leaving at the end of the season, I heard that he might have been leaving to continue his studies, back in Canada, but not leaving us to go to BERLIN - Hugghh!!! While I am on, I would just like to say to Simon what a great idea it is to send us news about the Storm as it arrives, I have it so it comes through at work - It really is a great idea - Thanx!!!!! And for those of you who have not Registered yet - DO IT NOW !!! Tonight will be another tough game for the STORM, but lets hope we can come out on top!!!!! SEE YA ALL AT THE GAME ON SUNDAY - AYR AGAIN, MY NAILS HAVEN'T GROWN BACK YET - I WILL HAVE TO BITE SOMETHING ELSE INSTEAD!!!!! STORMY |
Your name: Jason AK Brown Your Web site: Windows NT Magazine How you found us: Choose from this list From: Madchester Time: 3 January 1997 16:36 Comments: The rumours are that the Storm have signed 2 new players and that Shotgun Jago is leaving at the end of the season to join a german side (possibly Berlin?????) rememeber where you heard it first.......... |
Your name: Stan Leeder How you found us: Sheffield Steelers page From: House of Steel Time: 3 January 1997 04:54 Comments: Does anyone know who killed the Steelers Guestbook? What on earth did they write to offend the Steelers management so much? |
Your name: Judy (from across the pond) How you found us: Bracknell Bees page From: Minnesota Time: 2 January 1997 19:51 Comments: John or Libby! Now that you've officially found a home in Manchester please email me. Saw Andy, but he forgot your address. please email me or snail mail me. Hope to hear from you soon. Go Storm! I guess. |
Your name: MISCONDUCT! How you found us: Storm match programme From: Prestwich Time: 2 January 1997 16:07 Comments: Hey everybody, stop being so lazy,read the MISCONDUCT! page, it's the best thing since the best thing ever! So don't delay,send us some post today!! Thankyou kindly MISCONDUCT! |
Your name: STORMY How you found us: Beewitched From: MANCHESTAAAAAAA Time: 2 January 1997 11:55 Comments: Hi STORM fans, oh and not forgetting visiting fans!!! Sorry not commenting for a while, but my computer has been down for well over a week, but I am back now!!!! Well we play Ayr again, on Sunday, should be another good one - Hope it isn't as nail biting as the last one!!!!! I don't know whether any one saw me or not but i was on the front row, sat with all the Ayr fans, I couldn't believe it, the ticket people didn't tell me that bit!! It was funny, they were a good bunch, at first they kept coming out with those Mancunian comments - you know a bit like those that Alex The Rabid Bee comes out with!!!! (joke Alex) Still lets hope we can have another 6-1 victory - Because it certainly all went quiet over there!!!! That is another thing, they started to sing "it's all gone quiet over there" (because it had, but who could blame us) but instead in those strong weeeee Scottish accents, they sang "It's all WENT quiet over there" Did any one else hear them!!!??????? SAD. Anyway must fly Manchester, Manchester, Manchester, TURAH STORMY |