Interviewed July 1996
Tell us about yourself!
I'm Robert Townsend. I work for P&P in Haslingden and live in Burnley with Ann, my girlfriend - she also has an interview on your fantastic pages, Simon.
What's the story behind you becoming a Manchester Storm fan?
I was invited to a Storm v Blackburn Hawks match, and decided to be a Blackburn fan cos I live closer to Blackburn than Manchester. Hawks won, so I thought I had made a good choice. I clung on to being a Hawks fan for a further 3 matches (all against Storm) but eventually gave in and switched to Storm as Hawks got thrashed each time. In between being 100% Hawks and 100% Storm I did occasionally cheer for Blackchester Storks.
What's your favourite place to watch the matches in the Nynex Arena?
The corporate box of course.
How do away rinks that you've been to compare to the Nynex?
Blackburn Arena is shite and cold.
What was your favourite player from last season?
The Red Indian vet girl from Emmerdale that played the goal challenge game thing during one of the breaks.
What do you think of Lightning Jack?
Very cool, especially the cuffs.
Drum Tart?
Highly entertaining.
The ice-cream sellers?
One in particular is a bit of a nob.
What was your favourite game that you've seen so far?
The one with all the blood and vomit on the ice.
What was the worst?
The one in Blackburn Arena that didn't have any skating nuns.
Have you held up a sign? If so, what was on it?
Just the odd silver letter - we also did hand signals when a goal was scored - I got the O usually so that was easy to do - it wasn't entertaining enough to get on the video screen though!
Would you like to drive a Zamboni?
Have you ever ice skated before? Are you any good?
Very rarely. The last time was on my girlfriend's 21st birthday, at Billingham. No, I'm not very good.
What's your favourite tune that gets played at the Nynex in between the action?
Da-da-da-da-da-da Daaa-da-da, Da-da-da-da-da-da Daaa-da-da etc (it's Fiesta by The Pogues, played after a goal is scored).
Do you have a favourite fight that has happened in a match?
The psycho (from Swindon I think) who came back on after a 2 minute penalty and in less than 5 seconds went over to a Storm player and smacked him one. That was good. Also, there was a fight at Blackburn where the goalie got involved. That was alright.
Anything else we should know?
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