Posted by Andy Barnes on September 21, 1997 at 11:13:09:
Still can't believe it-what a team(Penalty kill still
needs work though,fellas!!). Heroes,one and all.
Sheffield were nothing but a bunch of thugs.
How Allison Greco and Cranston stayed on the ice I'll never know.Greco's display was hilarious.For those who didn't go,he objected to
our 6th goal(When the score was 5-4).For 10 minutes,he argued,blubbed,wailed and moaned,then,in a fit of pique,really threw his dummy out of the pram by pushing the nets over!Why no misconduct?Later he took a swipe at one of our lads' heads with his stick-2 minute penalty.Cranston tried to decapitate someone a
bit later-2 minute penalty.All this from a team who whinged and whined about the rough treatment they got from Cardiff last season.Practise what you preach,guys.Asfor Allison-great talent(He was a first round NHL pick,and should have had an NHL career),what a nutter.I'm surprised Dampier is standing for it.I'm all for hard nosed hockey,but this is nothing short of thuggery