Welcome to the MISCONDUCT! page. This is the place where we air our views on all aspects of STORM and ice hockey in general. Please send your responses or comments (however controversial) to Misconduct@DeathsDoor.com. The setup for this page is very similar to that of the guestbook ie. the latest comments will be at the beginning to save regular readers time and money!
We are MISCONDUCT! a trio of STORMTROOPERS from Prestwich, with one hell of a lot to say for ourselves!! You can find us at all home matches, most away matches and usually at the Arches. These are our comments and this is our page.........Please feel free to give us some grief!
Thankyou kindly!

INTO THE STORM would just like to point out that the many views expressed on this particular part of the site are not necessarily the views of Manchester Storm, Ogdens, BlueCoats, Raj the mad ice-cream seller or anyone official like that. Then again, you never know! Dave Biggar has been known to shout Ryan Kummu is a scumbag... (allegedly!)

The Latest From MISCONDUCT!
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The Not That Old MISCONDUCT! Archive
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The Oldest MISCONDUCT! Archive
These pages are maintained by Simon Sandiford-Mitchell and hosted by U-Net.